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Campus Office & Administration

Drop Off, & Pick Up Procedures


Drop Off: 7:30 - 7:40 (school begins at 7:50)

Pick Up: 2:30


Children may arrive at school no earlier than 7:30am and must be picked up no later than 2:40pm. Parents or parent authorized pick up individuals, only, will be provided with names of student for pick up on cardstock. Please place these cards in the windshield of your car for pick up. This will speed up the process of picking up your child. Please do not pull into the drive way from the south (left hand turn). This causes delays in the movement of the car line and creates traffic backups.


An  after care program is provided at Campus Charter, called Campus Care. Call 321-633-8234 for more information.

Several area before/after-school programs have pick–up services at the school.

Common Questions: 


Q. What is a charter school?

A. A charter school is a public school of choice approved by the district school board and the Florida Department of Education.

Q. Are there any fees to pay?

A. No! Charter schools are funded by tax dollars from federal and state sources.

Q. Who may enroll in the school?

A. Any child who resides in Brevard County and is entering grades K-6 may enroll.

Q. Are the teachers certified?

A. All Campus Charter teachers are certified and highly qualified.

Q. What about services for children with special needs, or free/reduced lunch programs?

A. Campus offers the same federally and state funded programs as other Brevard County public schools.

Q. Are there extra-curricular activities?

A . We offer various after-school activities such as but not limited to: tutoring in reading and math, nature club,book club, science fair club, art club, and more!

Q. What about transportation?

A. Campus strives to ensure that transportation is not a hindrance to enrollment or attendance.  If you are in need of such services please reach out to our front office team for assistance.

Students Day at CCS



Monday – Thursdays: The students have a required school uniform of our School t-shirts (with embroidered emblems), navy or khaki bottoms, a belt, socks and soft soled shoes.


Fridays: are set aside as dress down days. Shorts and skirts must be no shorter then fingertip length, shirt straps must be 3 fingers wide (no spaghetti straps).


Uniform Donation: The school has a uniform donation program to help provide for those in need. Call for availability particulars.


Lunch: Children may bring a lunch or purchase a school lunch. The school participates in the free and reduced lunch program, which also provides breakfast at no charge for all children. Lunch menus are provided at the beginning of each month.


P.E. & Specials: Students  participate in P.E. 150 minutes per week at Campus! That is an average of 30 minutes per day. This year we are pleased to announce that all students at Campus Charter will also be involved in a  musicart  program twice weekly. Students will have the opportunity to perform or participate in an art show

Clubs & Free Tutoring: are offered each semester for those who wish to participate.

The Campus Charter Governance 


As a private not-for-profit corporation, Primary Charter Schools, Inc. has a Board of Directors. The Board, comprised of parents, educators and community leaders, meet on a regular basis at the school. Meetings are open to the public, and time is set aside for public comment at each meeting. The board has oversight of school development, policy and budget. The school’s Administration is responsible for development and implementation of all aspects of the school program, policies and procedures. The board defers all decisions regarding the day to day running of the school to the Principal. The Principal reports directly to the Board.
Enrollment at CCS

Open Enrollment: Open enrollment begins March 1 of each school year.  Students are enrolled based on classroom space available.  A lottery system is used if applications received are in greater number than open spots.

Non Discrimination Policy: 

It is the policy of Campus Charter School to offer the opportunity to all students to participate in appropriate programs and activities (including specialized services) without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, or age, except as otherwise provided by Federal law or by Florida state law.

A student having a grievance concerning discrimination may contact the school’s governing board members.  Member information can be found on our school website at: or by contacting the school office.

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